Small Village..tat's free of pollution!
Steven is hungry...again! and buying some "bao"
With his mouth open so big...eating the delicious bao.
We went to the mini great wall of china...scenic view from there. There are nice beaches too, saw this guy doing this sport, but dunno wat it's known as? very interesting and fun. The wind is so strong that he can wakeboard. I believe linus will like this sport.
Tung Wan Beach
Heading to Mini Great Wall Hike to our Great Wall
Felt so from everything!
Don't u guys think that it looks like a face?
Beautiful Sunset...
On a Dragonboat
After walking for the whole afternoon, we rented a bicycle and finish exploring the island. We went to the priates' cave, the place is cool. There was this uncle selling torches brought us into the cave and told us the history of the cave. But i din understand a word he was saying, it's all in cantonese. In the cave was pitch black and i dun even noe if there were some kinds of animals inside. So tat's the thrill of it!
Test Ride on a tricycle Preparing to get inside the Cave
It's not as scary as i thought...
Labels: Cheung Chau